Topic: Crosstable with results
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Hi, can somebody explain to me the meaning of the entries in the cross-table? In the tournament AUTO-ELITE-28 I had a draw with dnptrs, I see the result in the line on my opponent, but in miy lin I only find a 18..., which the number of moves of the 2nd game. Whe the hell is my entry of 1/-2? Thanks in advance. Joerg
Hi, you have two games with dnptrs, one across from your name (18...) and the other down from your name (1/2-1/2). Every player plays two games with every other player so everyone has three games listed across and three listed down. It is a double round-robin tournament. Hope you can get it now.
looking at the crosstable column may ba confusing at first glance.
your name on the left side means "you vs. opponent" (game 1 of 2) and the corresponding score is the result of your game. I think it is usually you as white vs your opponent.
if you look at your name at the top, it will show your game result vs. opponent as black.
i hope this helps.