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Topic: Time Expired
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kurious_oCanada flag
Hi Miguel - my opponents time expired after I sent a move reminder. I'd like to give him another move reminder to get the game going again, but am unable to as the move reminder setting shows it has already been sent. If possible, can you please help me to open the game up again. Here is the link: http://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=53659

thks, kurious_o :-)

miguelUnited States flag
The game isn't closed, feel free to send your opponent a private message as a reminder.

Note that the system routinely closes games that are expired.


kurious_oCanada flag
Thanks Miguel

sakhanPakistan flag
hi miguel,
to me its appears strange, he kurious_o :-) first claimed a game on time and then he resigned the won game(the same game he has mentioned )

miguelUnited States flag
I'm not sure I understand, that game is still in progress, it was never claimed or resigned. Right?

sakhanPakistan flag
thanks for answering, it was the wrong game that i mentioned , sorry for that.
but i am sure that it happened to this game http://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=58182
plz have a look.
have a nice day.

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