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Topic: How long
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fab_scottEngland flag
How long should we wait in tournaments for opponents who have timed out? [given that this holds up the tournament] Or is it done automatically?
I would prefer not to claim the win if there is a possibility that he will be moving one day. :-)

Viper_SBCanada flag
AFAIK after 30 days it's automaticly claimed, but how long is proper equite? I too wonder about this, IMO after 7 days of not moving (default tournament timeout), the guy is gone or lost or something.

fab_scottEngland flag
Yeah, I agree 7 days would seem more reasonable if everyone knows beforehand.

My two cents: You should claim your game immediatelly. Follow the rules, they're there to be followed: you agreed to play a 7d/move tournament, that's all. On official tournaments or time-controled OTB games time matters and games are lost by time, why things would be different on QA? If you decide to give your opponent extra time, you're being subjective, not objective and it's not a good policy (why wait 7 more days, why not 8 or 6?). There are people here that have time to make many moves a day and decide to play 100+ games simultenously, others don't have internet access and have to wait for the weekend to make a single move with great sacrifice, just because they love chess. If you give your opponent additional time you put yourself in the place of a judge and you're not supposed to do so. On a tournament, you have to consider all other players, not your single opponent. IMHO, timed out games should be automatically claimed in tournaments and I don't understand why Miguel decided not to do so. You may want to be flexible on time on open and challenge games, but not in tournaments, that's the way I see it.

popcornTaiwan flag
Right on - well said! The only possible exception I have come across was on another site which does not have a "take a vacation" feature; I lost a game on time because of this. If he could have done so, maybe my opponent would have been chivalrous enough to let me have a couple more days - but that was impossible too. :-/

PershemiaSweden flag
The time is a part of the game. All chessplayers know that - it´s not impolite to claim the win.

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