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Topic: Birds Opening :)
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PhilidorUnited States flag
I don't like 2...d5! and ! is a bit optimistic and consedes e5 to white, 1. e4 d5
2. e5 c5
3. f4 Nc6
4. Nf3 Bg4
5. Be2 e6
6. O-O Nh6 =

Count_IsouardKazakhstan flag
Problem with the Bird is that black can respond with the stonewall dutch which is hard to crack

ClivetheBeardWales flag
If you are recommending 1.f4 f5 as a symmetrical defence, I suspect that 2.e4 is quite a strong gambit. 1. f4 e6 with a delayed ...f5 might be a plan. Will think again. :-)

ClivetheBeardWales flag
Have done so. Against 1. f4 e6 White can play 2. e4 (a transposition to the Labourdonnais Variation of the French Defence) which, despite its unorthodoxy, can even win at the top level.


Perhaps Black should have played 2...f5!

Take care,


GilBouvet Island flag
I accepted what said Count-Isouard. And I add that f5 in a chess correspondence only can be played in some circumstances which are favorable. In a high level, it is not usually played to game´s opening. Many peoples play f5 in the middle game, since are useful.

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