Topic: whats going on with my rating?
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why is my rating changing when i'm only playing one game?
Are you getting seasick? Miguel is messing with the ratings formulas, trying to get them right. We're all being bounced around. I dropped 400 points, gained back 50, gained another dozen, now lost another 60. Whee!
BTW, it's no fun for any of us, but most of us understand that Miguel is trying to improve the site. It's a great site, so enjoy the games and just be patient as he works on our ratings!
i read an earlier post saying he changed the ratings formula, i just assumed things had been worked out at this point
After I recently resigned a game against a provisionally rated player, his rating shot up 275 points because he had played only one game so far and mine stayed unchanged because I'm an "established" player having played more than 25 games. However, next time I logged in, my rating had dropped by some 50 points although I had finished no other games in the meantime I too thought Miguel had completed the ratings exercise so if this is not the case, could he please inform us what is going on?! Thanks Miguel
I refer you to the announcement forum entitled new ratings where miguel explains the changes
KDP, that would seem to be a reasonable assumption. However, I can tell you personally that it's more than a bit embarrassing to tell your boss that some programming is finished, only to have it blow up in your face. I have to believe that Miguel's programming is more complex than mine (in VBA with Access and Excel), so I can easily envision an "oops" here and there. As I've said elsewhere, these 3 adjustments are the only ones I'm aware of over the last year or so, so it's not that frequent of a thing.