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Topic: timing out of games
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KDPUnited States flag
im fairly new to this site as ive only got maybe 5 games under my belt, but in 2 of those my opponent timed out. i sent move reminders etc etc but nothing happened. now i'll take a win but its less than gratifying to win this way. my question is this......... is this (opponents leaving matches to time out) common here? or did i just have a bad luck of the draw when it came to opponents?

tewaldUnited States flag
A small "yes" to the first question, and a larger "yes" to the second one. It does happen, unfortunately. There have been discussions on this off and on. When the system goes off-line on occassion, Miguel adds time to everyone's games. Some countries and/or areas don't have access that is as dependable as others have. Even so, the games are started with the full knowledge that there are time limits.

toguintsPhilippines flag
i wonder if it's an option to just let the timed out game as it is, and not claim it at all. i know the feeling of winning on time. it's just not the kind of thing you would like to see in cc

Viper_SBCanada flag
You have a month (before the auto claim) to let the game stay as is, IMO that is plenty of time for your opponent to do a move.

tewaldUnited States flag
Yes, if you really don't want to claim the game on time, you can just let it go for a month, and then it will be automatic. However, you might want to consider how the rest of that tournament is going; if it's going to hold up the whole round, you might want to just go ahead and take the wins. OTOH, that would be very infrequent.

MaseguiBrazil flag
I would like to say something about "send reminders": That's a cool feature and I use to send it to my opponents... but I have been thinking to stop doing that. There is a good reason:
Why do I have to warn my opponent that his flag is falling? Anybody does it when playing OTB chess? This is part of the rules of chess and must be followed.

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