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Teams - clans etc.
Do they exist on this most excellent chess site?
Yes... But only by "forum"... Look at the "Match-discussion" forum.
Right. Thanks.
Teams would be a great addition to QueenAlice. They are an integral part of many other sites, such as GameKnot.
QueenAlice is one of four sites I'm testing to find one I like best. I am the type who can become very loyal to a site and recommend it to all my friends.
I own a Google group about chess, and I am looking for a site to form an unofficial affilation with, which includes setting up a team on the site. As teams are not a feature on QueenAlice, it will have a disadvantage against other sites such as ChessHere.
Hi whitekings,
QueenAlice is still under development. Useful featues will get implemented if Miguel got the time. So this might be a disadvantage for you, but many others don't bother it. I think QA lives from the community and personally I like the "small" number of accounts. It's more like a great family than the anonymity of other sites.
QueenAlice is under development? I see. For a site under development, it seems very promising.
I think many others would also like teams as a feature. On GameKnot and other sites, players can become very loyal to their teams, and this increases the "stickiness" factor of the site. Teams strengthen the community factor of the site.
Perhaps if Miguel sees that many users want teams on QueenAlice, he'll work on implementing it. My testing will take several months - hopefully he'll have implemented it by then.
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