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Topic: Ratings and 400 point difference?
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SethKUnited States flag
As a player with a provisional rating, I thought my rating could not be affected by losing to a player whose rating is more than 400 points different than mine.

Thanks in advance for any help understanding why my rating recently dropped, as I thought I was operating under this rule.

miguelUnited States flag
Here is the text of that rule, copied from the About page: Special rule: if the player beats an opponent rated 400 or more points below, or lost to an opponent rated 400 or more points above, then the rating will not be affected.

The idea is that losing to an opponent that is 400+ points above you, or beating one that is 400+ below is an expected outcome so the ratings don't need to be adjusted. In your case you've lost to swayne whose rating is lower than yours by more than 400 points. That game does provide useful information that the rating system uses to make the ratings more accurate.

Does that make sense?

SethKUnited States flag
I see, that does indeed make sense. Sorry for my confusion.

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