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Topic: Bug
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salazarBrazil flag
My two Games in Auto-Open-129-Round 3 (with Musampa) have already finished by time. Then, I archieved them. Now, They appear again inside "Archived Games". How is it possible? Do I have to continue playing again? And the Score?

MaseguiBrazil flag
Salazar, se eles apareceram em "Archived Games" está correto, foi onde vc os arquivou, e lá vão ficar arquivados. Abração, Mário Sérgio

salazarBrazil flag
Masegui, You didn´t understand. Some days after finished the games, they modified their status to active again. By the way, I have active games inside "Archieved Games".

andreavbBrazil flag
salazar, are you sure that you've claimed for that games?

salazarBrazil flag
I´m sure that I´m claim. After that, I archived.

andreavbBrazil flag
Ah, alright them. Because my first games I've won by time, I almost forgot to claim :)
I've claimed them about one day after time's gone, so it's like I've given my opps a second chance :)

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