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Topic: OPEN-243
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BaronFelKorea, South flag
Hmmm just noticed this. Looked at my games, and apparently I'm playing someone from a different Group. I looked at the games, and it appears I'm playing Gota, and everyone in my group, while gota is playing me and everyone in his group (except reginaldox who I guess im playing for).

Just thought I'd point out the bug.

BaronFelKorea, South flag
Errr meant 423

BaronFelKorea, South flag
Hmm same for Number9 in the same tournament

miguelUnited States flag
I'll check this and fix it if I find any problems.

BaronFelKorea, South flag
Update: I beat Gota in 1 game, and I recieved the points, not the guy who was supposed to play Gota.

miguelUnited States flag
Unfortunately I wasn't able to save the tournament as the pairings were all wrong. converted all the games to normal games and deleted the tournament. This shouldn't happen again.

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