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Topic: Time Exhausted?
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divukmanCroatia flag
My opponents time exhausted. I find no honor in claiming the game! Can he continue playing when he returns?

Lounge7Germany flag
Yes he can. If I got miguel right, auto-claiming a win in tournament games is not implemented yet.

But since you two are playing in a tournament and the other challengers there are only waiting for the results of your game, too, you should consider claiming it, allthough I think giving your opponent another chance is very honourable.

divukmanCroatia flag
I'll wait and see. Tournament can wait for results at least a bit more ;-)

miguelUnited States flag
Note that from time to time I will be auto-claiming games that have been stalled for more than 7 days.

But I also normally like to give my opponents a chance to continue so I totally understand. What I recommend is that you claim the games when you see that those are the last games in the round, so that you don't keep the tournament from advancing to the next round.


alib2004Philippines flag
Send him a reminder for his moves. I think that there is no shame in claiming the win if you sent him a reminder to move. I hate players who actually registers and plays with you but don't show up and finish the game. I claim these games nevertheless...

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