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Topic: Recommended chess books
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AliwoodUnited Kingdom flag
I realise that one possible answer to this is 'it depends', but I'll ask anyway.

What chess books do people favour for reference or have found the most useful, whether for attack, defense, beginning, middle or ends?


AlopintoColombia flag
If my house were burning these are the books that I would save:

"1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate" by Reinfeld
"1001 Chess Sacrifices and Combinations" by Reinfeld
By David Bronstein
"Basic Chess Endings" by Reuben Fine
"How Not to Play Chess" by Znosko-Borovsky
"Batsford Chess Openings: 2" by Gary Kasparov
"Think Like a Grandmaster" by Alexander Kotov
"Judgement and Planning in Chess" by Max Euwe

I think that pretty much covers all your needs in the opening, middlegame, and endgame


A | 0 P 1 N 7 o

:-D 8-)

swayneEngland flag
I've got "Think Like a Grandmaster" but haven't read it yet. I'm going through "Winning Chess Tactics" at the moment. I've read My System and hope to understand it any decade now.


kstuartEngland flag
I'd save both of my openings books

Standard Chess Openings
and Unorthodox Chess Openings

both written by Eric Schiller

they have been a great help over the last few years since i got them

AlopintoColombia flag

I beg to differ in regards to Eric Schiller's books: They are absolutely horrendous. I have seen the treaties you mention and I am not impressed. One of these books is reviewed at:


One of the excerpts is:

" "Standard Chess Openings" is, at its best, sloppy and, at its worst, a study in self-contradictions and inexcusable inconsistencies. If there is one thing worse than sending an unarmed man into battle, it is sending forth a misinformed man. Such will be the fate at the chessboard of anyone who blindly follows many of Schiller's ideas contained in this book. One is tempted to suggest that "Standard Chess Openings" contain a warning affixed to its cover: Danger - This book may be hazardous to your rating! "

But then again: Opening books are a hazardous proposition because the minute you look at them they are outdated [ Even the one by Kasparov that I suggested... But even that book has shown some resilience and not getting too antiquated... ]

Schiller has a terrible reputation in the USA and as a chess writer he is just a joke. Also, a quick inspection of his credentials in chessbase or the US Chess Federation shows a rating of about 2200 and no international title (He is not a GM or an IM or even a FM)

I can guarantee that for the same money a more decent treaty can be found on the opening. In fact GM John Nunn from England has a terrific openings book that would cover anyone's encyclopaedic needs.

A | 0 P 1 N 7 o

AliwoodUnited Kingdom flag
Well, thanks for the suggestions. I'll be off to my local library tomorrow to ask for them.


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