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RayDuque3United States flag
How often do you play chess? Do you play a lot because you are an addict in playing? Or it is just your hobby? Or maybe it is just for the fun of it?

For me, it is just for the fun of it and to make friends while I'm playing chess. Besides it is also my hobby in addition of my ballroom and latin dancing which I like it very much.

Ray Duque III
New York City

tewaldUnited States flag
Definitely addicted. I've actually sworn it off for a few days at a time just to get it under control.

razomanPhilippines flag
Ten years ago I gave away my chessbooks,chessclock and chess sets and promised not to play chess again. But when I discovered internet chess, here I am back to woodpushing,oops, I mean mouse clicking. It must be addiction then.

catfishcoreUnited States flag
It's my sport. I'm getting pretty old. LOL. That means I won't be playing football, basketball, boxing or anything else like that. I have also grown tired of watching others play. Chess is something that I can still participate.

RayDuque3United States flag

It's my sport. I'm getting pretty old. LOL. That means I won't be playing football, basketball, boxing or anything else like that. I have also grown tired of watching others play. Chess is something that I can still participate.

I'm also getting old (I mean young) too. For your information I'm already 60+ years young and I won't be able to participate in those sports you mentioned because of my age too but I'm dancing the ballroom and latin dance. You can dance the ballroom dancing regardless of age.

Ray Duque III
New York City

catfishcoreUnited States flag
Good point RayDuque3. I tried taking some dance classes some years ago when I was in my 30s. At the time, Iwent to work very early in the morning. The class was in the evening. I found I was wiped out, and had to set it aside. Dance lessons, is something I will have to give another try. By the way, I'm about to turn 50 in a few months.

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