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Topic: Cheating (engine use)
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fabiobulcaoBrazil flag
I was wondering... What was the fun of copy and paste. For me win or lose is part of the fun of a game. I think the worst punishment for someone who uses programs to win chess games is the notion that his rating is false and the people that was "victms" of the false player are still playing ans still having fun in their games.

GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
I think it immature ...
Anyway, some say it about being in control (I read it somewhere, probably on one of the following links
http://www.very-best.de/Jim-1.htm )

jwhUnited States flag
Recently I've been accused of cheating by using "Fritz". I'd never heard of it so I googled. My accuser said he based his assumption by checking my moves with Fritz, so obviously he has it and his own stats are suspicious. 105 games played 94 won. I access Queen Alice with a MAC & Safari, Fritz system requirements are "PC windows Vista ready".

GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
LOLZ ... 1700 rated player uses fritz ... on 486 with 16MB of RAM ? :))

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
If he made that accusation in the middle of a game, he was analyzing a current game with a computer, which is forbidden.

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