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Topic: Cheating (engine use)
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jnablePhilippines flag
It does not matter to me at all if my opponents are using chess engines because it is in the very nature of chess sites, the anonimity of each member, that a lot of people will use them. So I do not know if, in my opinion, this is cheating. It is simply in the nature of Internet Correspondence Chess. I on the other hand am too lazy to work on my opening (my opening knowledge date from 20 to 15 years ago), I don't use databases, much less an engine. I am simply to lazy. I learn my openings and chess in general now from playing a lot blitz, mostly via the internet. I was really surprised several months ago, in one of my earlier games, that my opponent told me that: "if you are not using engine, then you are a very good player." (my game against Marcelo Araujo). I told him to look at my other games and see if he is justified in his accusations. I do not chess engines since I suspect that it will take me still more time than I am already devoting to chess, as I am playing in seven chess sites in all. Ah, the internet is simply heaven for me in terms of chess. I have not played for a long long time, and then I discovered these wonderful chess sites (queenalice is the best, of course) early last year and I never looked back. I am simply too glad to be playing chess once again, very many of them in fact, to be thinking of using engines. :-)

jwhUnited States flag
Well put jnable. Since chess sites are pure entertainment, it's hard for me to understand ones motivation to cheat. Accumulating such a high rating narrows the playing field down to computer vs. computer, (in my opinion.) :-D

RobertDCanada flag
I can tell when someone is cheating, they play like grandmasters, yet have ratings in the 1600.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

RobertD wrote: I can tell when someone is cheating, they play like grandmasters, yet have ratings in the 1600.

Anyone who's beating me seems like they're playing like a grandmaster. %-)

Dorval_PlayerCanada flag

This crap happens on every sight sometimes it's done to harass players psychologically and other times it's done for pure ego and childish reasons.

I just want to play against People not machines.

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