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Topic: Asking your Opponent to Resign, Rude or Not?
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TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

What they are trying to do is delay games that are going poorly for them,in the hopes that they can finish games that are going well

Or even hoping to win the hopeless ones on time if the occasion presents itself.

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag
I remember one such incident from a tournament I played in (OTB) and one of the players (who wasn't even that weak) didn't resign despite being a queen and two rooks down. Of course everyone that stopped by laughed at him, some even out loud. The other player didn't seem to mind, but the final position more than revealed his feelings about the whole thing, it was something like this:



PentotalArgentina flag
My friends, i understand the position of every one, and i think it is very respectable, but sometimes i think...why cant we give a chace to our opponent?, after all, finishing a game is an art of the game.

Maybe what im trying to say doesn't have any sense if the player is a GM, after all, they nkow every single move to finish a game.

But for Us, simple mortals, sometimes is a good idea going to the end of the game, no for hoping a mistake of the other player, but for the pleasure of the game by itself.


MaseguiBrazil flag
I agree 100% with Beco and I agree 99,9% with Andreavb.
My two cents:
I do not let the bad behaviour of my opponent to influence mine... at least I try :)

andreavbBrazil flag
Masegui, I let in most cases. If the opp gets angry, he's more likely to commit a mistake. (Well, in correspondence chess it doesnt happen a lot... but ok, only one of us feel angry during the game!:))

A player (in a real-time server) likes to play: if you're lost, he starts to move his King, do it for about 47 moves, then move a pawn, then start playing with his King again... When I play him, he's usually worse at time than I am. And he plays like a kid until his clock reaches about 1 second, then he mates.

Well, I just use premove to all my moves, and this way his clock has run down twice. I never resign a game agains that boy. He's angry that I don't resign? Ok... I like to see he getting more and more angry when losing at time a game he could have won 3 minutes ago...


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