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Topic: Asking your Opponent to Resign, Rude or Not?
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robelixBrazil flag
At Queenalice I think it is easier when I follow the dry and cold rules, and respect at all costs if someone wants to play by it. Once one of us goes out of the rules it is up to the law-abiding player to decide whether he or she wants to punish (hard word...)the opponent by claiming games, complaining to Miguel about bad manners, language etc.

So if someone wants to play only at the last second, and drag the game for years, it is allright.
If someone wants to play a lost game like King X two Queens until being mated, no problem.

Now I never lost a game by expiring my time. When my opponent runs out of it, sometimes I check if the guy has logged on lately. I sent reminders. But sometimes I feel like claiming right awaw, dont care. It is my right and it is good for the site and the others.

I never resign a game that I dont know EXACTLY how I would win if I were on the other side. If the other player takes the plan that I think is the right one, I resign. If he takes another plan, I wait to see if his plan is better or I can prove him wrong. Right now I'm playing a game that I think is lost but I rather get a free lesson from a human friend here than Fritz later on...even if the plan is not perfect.

Who said that "no one ever won a game by resigning"

RayDuque3United States flag
Well, I don't know what to say. Everyone has different attitude, style, thinking and so forth.

For me, if you ask me to resign when my position is hopeless I will tell you to just wait until I'm about to be checkmated or Okay I resign or I'm looking for stalemate. That's all for me. No offense.

Ray Duque III
New York City

razomanPhilippines flag
Asking somebody to resign is akin to "trash talking"now common in some contact sports. This happens a lot when you play chess at yahoogame.com.

aknightoutCanada flag
Yes, I always like to win when someone says early on "you may as well resign" when I am say down the exchange for example. 8-)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
But that was not the question aknightout!
We are talking about a lonely king against king,2 pawns and 2 pieces. Situations like that!
Not just a piece down in the middle of the game!

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