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Topic: Blunders!
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RayDuque3United States flag

I think this is the top of it Ray..your opponet should have got awesome prize for this!! :-(O)

Yes, he should get a prize for it. Imagine, he should win the game but ended to a draw. That's a nice game.

Ray Duque III
New York City

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
My game against an opponent from Georgia;

White:Qe3 Black:Bg7,Nf6 , my turn

9. ... Nd5
10.Qc3 :-O

just to give me a better choise. :-(O)


chuckvondraUnited States flag
I have recently been experimenting with potential moves in a current tournament and hit "move" when I meant to hit"refresh board". it happened twice, happily neither move was fatal and in fact one game was finalized successfully. The potential moves were in niether case the move I would have preferred to make.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

chuckvondra wrote: I have recently been experimenting with potential moves in a current tournament and hit "move" when I meant to hit"refresh board"

Use the `think' button instead.

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