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Topic: Blunders!
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Odie_SpudUnited States flag
Quite a few years ago I was playing in the US Open CC finals and my opponent was a former US Championship competitor. I caught him sleeping in the opening and won a P. As the game progressed I realized I probably would “only” draw the ending.

So then I got fancy and sac’d a piece in a 13 move combination that won brilliantly. Everything went exactly according to plan and we arrived at the winning position just like I worked it out. Uhhh…I should have looked one more move because my brilliant win didn't exist. He returned the piece then sac’d another that left me staring at mate.

seigneurCanada flag
That doesn't sound like a blunder though, merely a mistake.

OnceuponEngland flag
Nit-picker :-P

Remember: War is war, loser.

JoseASeguroSaint Lucia flag
I will remember always this game, I played it (with white) on AUTO-ADV-1114, last November. I don't know what I was thinking:

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1. e4 e6 2. f4 d5 3. e5 Ne7 4. d4 Nf5 5. Bd3? Qh4+ 6. g3? Nxg3 7. hxg3??
Qxh1 0-1

seigneurCanada flag
5. Bd3 not only opened the door for 5. ... Qh4+, but to a lesser extent lost the d4 pawn (to 5. ... Nxd4) (or at least "exchanged" it for black's h pawn, which really isn't so good either).

It was a wrong move in so many aspects buddy... :-P

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