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Topic: Blunders!
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Odie_SpudUnited States flag
I have two memorable losses that still haunt me:

I was playing a former US Championship competitor who once beat Bobby Fischer, so of course I’m not expecting to win and decided to just play my best. I had an IQP and somewhere around move 15 he allowed me to play …d5 which won a P. Eventually we reached a point where I could go into an ending a P up but got to thinking I’d probably get “only” a draw. Then I hit on the idea of sacrificing a B for a K-side attack and worked out a 12 move long combination that went exacting according to plan. At the end of the 12 moves he sac’d the B back and left me facing an unavoidable mate. I should have looked one move further.

Then there was the time I was facing a 2500+ IM who blundered a N at move 12. IM’s don’t make those kinds of mistakes but he did. He played on with his hand shaking so badly he could hardly move the pieces. When I realized I was a piece up and winning against an IM my hand started shaking so badly I could hardly move the pieces and ended up blundering the N back and lost quickly. I was so upset I threw the score sheet away on the way out the door.

OnceuponEngland flag


With Black, I played 30...Kg6??


31. Qg8+ Ng7
32. gxh6

Black draws with perpetual check from the Queen.

OnceuponEngland flag


Showing off with White, I played 34. d6??

The game continued

35. dxc7
and I went on to win.

However, after

35. Kg1 Rxc7
36. dxc7 Qa7+
Black wins easily.

jcmPhilippines flag
I once accidentally clicked "Resign" in a won position.

OnceuponEngland flag

I once accidentally clicked "Resign" in a won position.

I wouldn't have thought that possible :-P

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