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Topic: Best Chessplayer Ever Election
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag
After "The Best GM Ever" we choose once again
the best chessplayer all time.
Because it is hard to choose only one player,
this time everyone can post his favorite players,
listed from number 1 untill number 10.
We count 10 points for a Nr.1, backwards till 1 point for a Nr.10.
That way I hope, we get a better view how the
Queen Alice members think about the best ever:
You can choose from the following list, which include
all World Champions as from the 20th.century, and
some other remarkeble players.
But feel free, to add another players name to your list,
if you think he belongs in the Top 10.
That player, if born after 1950, must have had once a FIDE rating of minimum 2650, or much have reached at least the quarter-finals (or final stage) of a World Championship.

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
1.Ruy López de Segura
2.Francois-Andre Philidor
3.Paul Morphy
4.Wilhelm Steinitz
5.Emanuel Lasker
6.José Raúl Capablanca
7.Akiba Rubinstein
8.Ernst Franz Grunfeld
9.Savielly Tartakower
10.Paul Keres
11.George Koltanowski
12.Alexander Alekhine
13.Max Euwe
14.Mikhail Botvinnik
15.David Bronstein
16.Rashid Nezhmetdinov
17.Richard Réti
18.Aaron Nimzovitch
19.Efim Geller
20.Vasily Smyslov
21.Mikhail Tal
22.Tigran Petrosian
23.Boris Spassky
24.Robert James Fischer
25.Victor Korchnoi
26.Henrique Mecking
27.Anatoly Karpov
28.Gata Kamsky
29.Gary Kasparov
30.Alexander Khalifman
31.Vasyl Mykhaylovych Ivanchuk
32.Vladimir Kramnik
33.Viswanathan Anand
34.Ruslan Ponomariov
35.Rustam Kasimdzhanov
36.Vesilin Topalov
37.Shakhriyar Mamedyarov
38.Alexander Morozevich

*Please note that uncomplete lists are only rewarded
in points, according to the number of listed players.
(example; a list with 6 names give in order
to the players 6,5,4,3,2 & 1 point.)

*Thanks Masegui. Great idea to do it this way!

PershemiaSweden flag
1.Capablanca 2.Nimzovitch 3.Botvinnik 4.Petrosian 5.Bronstein 6.Tal 7.Grunfeld 8.Kasparov 9.Alekhine 10.Kortjnoj

InakiPoland flag
1. Karpov 2. Kasparov 3. Fisher 4. Capablanca 5. Rubinstein 6. Anand 7. Kramnik 8. Morphy 9. Tartakower 10. Inaki :-P

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

RayDuque3United States flag
1. Fischer
2. Kasparov
3. Karpov
4. Alekhine
5. Spassky
6. Anand
7. Raymond Duque - he has a Master Rating of 2546. Check him at USCF.
8. Rogelio Antonio, Jr. - Philippines GM
9. Eugene Torre - Philippines GM
10. Gata
11. Ray Duque III - GM-IBD


Ray Duque III
New York City

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