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Topic: Best Chessplayer Ever Election
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RayDuque3United States flag
Leo, the title of this thread is "Best Chessplayer Ever Election" and not the Best GM Ever which you have in another thread and the count of the score is Number 1 is count 10, Number 2 is count 9 and so on.

On Jan 23, I voted for my nephew Raymond Duque (Check him at USCF) for number 7, Rogelio Antonio, Jr. for the 8 spot, Eugene Torre for for the 9 and Kamby Gata for the 10.

Raymond Duque should get 4 counts, Rogelio Antonio, Jr gets 3 counts, Eugene Torre gets 2 counts and Gata gets 1 count but I don't see their names in the list of counts.

The list should be like this: Number 18/19/20. Grunfeld, Keres & Duque 4 counts, 21/22/23. Euwe, Korchnoi & Antonio 3 counts, 24. Torre 2 counts, 25/26/27. Tartakower, Mecking & Gata 1 count.

I think, these are the correct list. Am I right? Please let me know if I am correct. Thank you.

Ray Duque III
New York City

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Are you joking with me, Ray?
You`re not serious are you?
Anyway, I will answer you seriously.

This election is supposed to be serious!
That it does not say, the best grandmaster ever, is just because oficially the title Grandmaster didn`t excist before 1950. In case of the best Grandmaster ever, we would exclude all the great Champs before this time.
What concerns the 4 players you mentioned the following:

1.Rogelio Antonio
The number 1 player from the Philippines, grandmaster and a rating of 2529. A very good chessplayer indeed.
But he would be on the Top Charts of other countries not even be near the top.
Examples: On the chart of Russia he would be number 96, Ucraine nr.40, U.S.A. nr.23, even in my little country, the Netherlands he would be only number 13.
On the World Top Chart you cannot find his name by the best 1000. And still, we are only talking about januari 2008. Not about "all times"
Do you really think he belongs to our list of the best 24 players ever?
(By the way, I read an article about the Desprez opening [1.h4], of which don`t excist statistics of win/lost/draw matches between grandmasters, as it is very rarely played, that Rogelio Antonio is the only grandmaster who plays it succesfully against strong opponents with white, AS WELL with black [1.whatever.. h5].)

2.Eugene Torre
Number 4 player from the Philippines. How could you possibly want him on the list, if even Wesley So and Mark Paraqua are at the moment better players from the Philippines.

3.Gata Kamsky
(On your list of the 23th.of january, you wrote just Gata, I did not understand you meant Kamsky!)
Well, this one looks a more serious candidate. The best US player at the moment. But have a look at the Top World Chart as published in januari:

1/2 Viswanathan Anand - India & Vladimir Kramnik - Russia 2799
3.Vesilin Topalov - Bulgaria 2780
4.Alexander Morozevitch - Russia 2765
5.Peter Svidler - Russia 2763
6.Shakhriyar Mamedyarov - Azerbeidjan 2760
7.Alexei Shirov - Spain 2755
8.Peter Leko - Hungary 2753
9.Vasily Ivanchuk - Ucraine 2751
10.Levon Aronian - Armenia 2739
11.Boris Gelfand - Israel 2737
12.Teimour Radjabov -Azerbeidzjen 2735
13.Magnus Carlsen - Norway 2733
14.Sergey Karjakin - Ucraine 2732
15/16 Michael Adams - England & Gata Kamsky - USA 2726
Aha...there he is.
You see Ray, only the two number ones are voted untill now.
But at one point he was the third highest rated player in the world (1995), but he played almost no FIDE rated games between 1997 and 2005.
In `93-`96 he played the World Champion Candidate matches for both rival organisations, FIDE and PCA.
In the `93-`96 FIDE World Champion Matches he won the first round from Paul van der Sterren, quarterfinal from Anand, semi-final from Salov. He lost the final from Karpov with 7.5-10.5
In the `94-`96 edition of the PCA Candidate Matches, he won the quarter-final from Kramnik, the semi-final from Short, and lost the final from Anand.
After his defeat against Karpov in the final, he gave-up chess. A period of inactivety followed; 1996-2004. Only in 1999 he played for the FIDE World-Cup Knock-out against Alexander Khalifman and lost. After 1-1 in regular chess he lost 0-2 in the rapid play-off games.
Only in 2005 he returned to regular chess competition, played the FIDE World Cup Tournament for qualifying for the 2007 World Championship. He won the first round from Bacrot and was eliminated for the WC in Mexico by Boris Gelfand in the next round.
In november 2007 he won the Chess World Cup against Shirov.
This eamed him a match against Veselin Topalov to be held this year, for the right to challenge the World Champion in 2009, which will be the winner of the World Championship Chess 2008, Viswanathan Anand or Vladimir Kramnik.
Then he can prove he belongs to the best ever.
Meanwhile, I will add him to our chart as a concession to you Ray. Gata Kamsby is surely capable to prove he belongs at the top.

4.Raymond D Duque
Number 34 on the United States Chess Federation Chart from last october.
Your nephew from Texas must be a very good player Ray.
BUT: He is not one of the Top 100 USA players from the FIDE Elo-rating list!

I hope you are satisfied with my explanation and understand why I don`t add these 3 players to "The Best Players EVER" list.
(*please note that nobody else voted for "Not Really" the top players!

Jeminee Ray, you let me do a lot of research... /:-(


Leo van Dalen
Kloosterveen City

(p.s. Ray, if you wish you still can vote other numbers 8, 9 and 10.)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Score at 29/1:

1.Fischer 131
2.Kasparov 122
3.Capablanca 103
4.Alekhine 91
5.Karpov 75
6.Morphy 69
7.Tal 43
8.Lasker 40
9.Botvinnik 31
10.Kramnik 21

11.Spassky 19 12.Steinitz 18 13.Anand 16 14. Petrosian 15 15.Nimzovitch 9 16.Keres 7 17/18.Bronstein & Smyslov 6 19/20.Korchnoi & Rubinstein 5 21.Grunfeld 4 22.Euwe 3 23.Tartakower 2 24/25.Kamsky & Mecking 1

InakiPoland flag
(*please note that nobody else voted for "Not Really" the top players!
That's not exactly true... %-)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag

I just tried to cover-up for you!
And now you spoiled it.


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