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Topic: Draw by repitition
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AstrellapUnited States flag
I have known the rules for many, many years. However I havenever heard of a "Draw by repitition". It has been years since I have played, prior to finding this medium of competition. At the risk of sounding uneducated, would someone explain the mechanics of a draw by repitition. Thank you

MadScotCanada flag
This is the wikipedia version;
The relevant rule in the FIDE laws of chess is 9.2, which reads:

The game is drawn, upon a correct claim by the player having the move, when the same position, for at least the third time (not necessarily by sequential repetition of moves)

a. is about to appear, if he first writes his move on his scoresheet and declares to the arbiter his intention to make this move, or

b. has just appeared, and the player claiming the draw has the move.

Positions as in (a) and (b) are considered the same, if the same player has the move, pieces of the same kind and colour occupy the same squares, and the possible moves of all the pieces of both players are the same.
Positions are not [considered to be] the same if a pawn that could have been captured en passant can no longer be captured or if the right to castle has been changed. (FIDE 2005, Article 9.2)

While the rule does not require that the position occur thrice on nearly consecutive moves, it happens this way very often in practice, typically with one of the kings being put into perpetual check. The intermediate positions and moves don't matter – they can be the same or different. The rule applies to positions, not moves.

Note that the precise wording of the rule has varied in time; sometimes it was repetition of move, sometimes (as now) of position. Often that's only a technical difference, but not always.

AstrellapUnited States flag
Thank you MadScot. Since I haven't played in so long, I may take a bit of time to understand exactly how this rule works. After playing the few games I have here, I can see I have much to learn. I greatly appreciate your help

OnceuponEngland flag

I have known the rules for many, many years. However I have never heard of a "Draw by repetition".

This is a contradiction.

the_knifeFrance flag
You forgot your habitual :-P , Onceupon.
Oh my god, maybe you were serious. :-P

OnceuponEngland flag
I'm always serious :-P

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