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Topic: Your Favorite Chessplayers Ever.....
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Here you can vote for your favorite chessplayers ever.
So, this election is "not about the best" but for those
who mean something special to you.
You can choose for top players or just for those you like.
You can choose for the neighbour or family or friends.
Even your "Mother-in-law" can compete.
You can choose Madonna or Woody Allan,
Arnold Schwarzenecker or Diego Maradonna,
but make sure, that at least they know the rules of the game...
You may choose for your chess engine, oops, or Deep Thought,
You may even choose for your "Pets",
but don`t forget to learn them to play!

You can post as much names as you wish,
one would be fine...
one hundred and one is OK as well...
and a small explanation "Why" would be nice...

for us to understand hey... 8-)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
1.David Jonathan van Dalen
My 9 year old son, I still can beat him, but I`m sure
that he is the best under-10 chessplayer from the City.
(he only refuses to caslte, the blockhead, must have
that from his mothers side, haha)
2.Jan Timman
My favourite player when I started playing chess
3.Elcio Franco, plays as "xico" at Queen Alice.
My tecnical and tactical CC trainer, and a good friend.
4/5.Ronald & Antonio
Overhere at QA, "holandes" and "silverado". They live
in the same city as I do, and visit me home, or at my
restaurant, to play chess, in the long and boring
6.Gennadin Sossonko
Dutch GM, (russian born), the only one I had the honour
of playing against. I was just one of the fifty in a
simultenious session from GS, but still....
of course I lost!
German guest of my restaurant, who always wants to play
for money, and always looses, ha ha
8.Gadou, before Mr.Gad at Queen Alice
Jean is a lousy chess player but a good mental coach.
Always in for a nice chat & a good friend!
9.Hans Middelkamp
Champion of my chessclub, 35 years ago, who did
teach me a lot.
10.Dr.Maximiliaan Euwe
Only Dutch Worldchampion ever.

MirokBrazil flag
My girlfriend =P

The best !!!!!!!!

2...10 - may as well

luongo_00001Canada flag
Madonna cant play chess thats silly...
alexander alekine i just love to watch hes gamess

gerchurchesCuba flag

averroes02Algeria flag
ADAMS!!! I love his style and I play all the time his games, I don't know why he hsn't a world championship!!!

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