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Topic: Nationality of QA Members.
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag
On top of the memberlist, you have got the option to search for the members of your country only.
The other filters you put on "active members", and the rating status on "all", to get the members with less then 26 finished games as well.
So far, it is easy and quickly.
But now, you have got to change, on your "Personal Information" ,your own nationality into the one you are searching for.
And to get this list, I changed mine about 200 times, into each nationality, even when I thought there wouldn`t be members from that "country", just to make sure, I didn`t miss one.
See for example "Andorra" & "Bhutan, I would never have thought there were 3 members from such small countries.

luongo_00001Canada flag
lmao:P was that fun?.. how long did it take? annd what was the point?

razomanPhilippines flag
Did you find out where Technical Draw stays long?

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
No, I did not count him. He just changed again. Now it is "Svalbard Island", where-ever that is. (I believe its a norwegian Island near Scotland)
I also did not count "appalachia", she always changes as well, but I think she is american.
I played against "arq40", he is brazilian, but used to change his flag also. But now it is the brazilian one.
"holandes" is dutch, but grew up in Portugal, I counted him for the last country.
"saraguette" is a US citizen, her father is american, her mother malaysian, she prefers to play under the malaysian flag, and is counted for that country.

In fact, there may be a few mistakes in the list. There can be other members with an incorrect flag behind their name. But that is uncontrolable!

luongo_00001Canada flag
you didnt anser me -.-

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