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Topic: Nationality of QA Members.
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axelsunItaly flag
italy 67

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Benvenuto Alessandro...

RayDuque3United States flag
Leo, since you are asking a Nationality of QA Members, let me tell you mine.

Ray Duque III, Nationality is American and Race is Filipino. In short, I'm a Filipino-American. ;-)

Ray Duque III
New York City

phystutordotcomUnited States flag

I am not Filipino. I was born in Utica, NY. My parents were born in Rome. That is Rome, NY.

Doran Race

tewaldUnited States flag
Just boring vanilla American. Dad's side came from Germany in the 1800s. Mom's side came on the Mayflower (1620). I would never have left the USA at all if I weren't about 10 miles from Canada. :-D

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