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Topic: Nationality of QA Members.
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag

was that fun?

yes, it was!

how long did it take?

about 1 minute per country, about 3 hours.
(can,t remember exactly, maybe just 2 hours)

what was the point?

to create this list!

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

kloosterveen wrote: Now it is "Svalbard Island", where-ever that is. (I believe its a norwegian Island near Scotland)

They are Norwegian territory but they're a *long* way from Scotland -- further from Scotland than from any part of Norway.

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Found it!
Yes, it is far far away from Scotland. You could say it is exactly North of Norway, halfway the Northpole. But the reason I react on richerby`s note is, that I am so surprised how big it is. On the map it looks bigger then the UK! ?:-(

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
That's because many map projections make regions close to the pole look much bigger than they really are. They stretch the map so that the whole earth looks like it has the same width as the equator or close to that width.

Svalbard is, actually, quite a bit smaller than the UK: the UK is 245,000km^2 but Svalbard is only 61,000km^2 -- about half the size of England. Or, to quote the CIA World Factbook, ``slightly smaller than West Virginia.''

pladeiraBrazil flag
Nice work kloosterveen, I was always curious about it :-)

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