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Topic: I'd rather chat than play today!
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kookaburraAustralia flag

Sorry, I'm not a gambling man. Besides, I'm just trying to say, "Hello, Goodbye" in the event Earth reverses its rotation or shifts its polar axis due to a dark rift or galactic alignment. Hello to the New and Goodbye to the Old order after an apocalyptic yet cyclical cataclysmic changes.

CorvidaeEngland flag
If the world comes to an end where does that leave God (in which ever guise you perceive him (or her) to be)?

Many worlds comes to the end in the Universe, but the life doesn't come to the end. I think that the Universe is an organism, maybe is wath we call God %-) There are other kinds of life in the Universe, because The Universe can see Himself throught ours eyes and feel Himself throught our senses end our minds. We are part of the Universe...We are the Universe, but we are not able to feel us One with Him :-/ What the man know can not make equal to what he doesn't know... Good night to everybody! :-)

moe78Argentina flag
e vabbe buonanotte.

kookaburraAustralia flag

Try Robert Browning's words for size/comfort: "God's in his Heaven. All's right in the world." Deism or destiny? To each his/her own personal take. The personal choice is what matters most.

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