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Topic: QA's ELO -> Real ELO
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axedreItaly flag
Ok, I know this may sound like a rather silly question, but... my current rating on this site is 1868, but I'm definitely sure that that would not be my real ELO rating in the "outside world"; so what I'm asking is: does anyone know how to evaluate roughly what the ELO rating of a player would be, judging from his rating on QA (also considering the number of games he played to reach such rating). I ask this cause I'd like to estimate what my ELO rating would be if I were to have one (eg: by being a member of the FSI, the Italian Chess Federation, and participating in official tournaments). I'm quite sure it wouldn't be as high.
Thanks for all replies.

tewaldUnited States flag
One VERY important thing to remember is the difference between over the board (OTB) chess and correspondence chess. Also, there is a definite difference between a real, physical, three-dimensional game and a two-dimensional game on your computer screen. Sorry this doesn't really answer your question, but I think it does apply to it a bit.

axedreItaly flag
Thanks, your reply does help a bit; I hadn't considered that ratings in correspondence chess are different from those obtained in OTB chess because some priviliges apply (the possibility of consulting opening books, for instance). That is also why I believe that the ratings on this site are higher than those reached in physical three-dimensional game, and perhaps the virtual absense of stress derived from the use of the clock further influences (positively) the ratings on QA. However, the proportions should remain: if a player has rating 1800 on QA he/she is surely better than one having 1400 (considering both as established ratings). Such difference should be vaguely proportional to the one between their ELO ratings, should they possess them. I invite every player who reads this post and has an official ELO rating, to post it. This way I can set up an excel sheet to calculate some sort of relation between the two ratings, and get a prediction of mine.
Cheers. :-)

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I'm not much help, but have a couple of things to add. My rating here is around 2000, but a fair chunk of my wins lately seem to come from timed out games. My rating in ChessMaster 10k (Computer program) with 15 minutes each way swings between 1200-1500. I have no 'real' rating to compare with, but when I tried to figure out the relationship previously I found that the CM10k profiles have been rated against FIDE rated players, so I assume that those are closer to the truth (i.e. I'm a below average player not a master ) Then again, my key downfall in OTB isI will hang a knight or bishop at least once a game, it is harder to make the same mistake in QA (unfortunately I still find it possible to hang my queen... I doubt a FIDE 2000 would do so http://www.queenalice.com//game.php?id=429063).

axedreItaly flag
Thank you, your post is helpful in any case. It reminded me of another issue I hadn't thought about: that several games are won for time forfeit. Oh well, I'll just lie and write down I have about 1600 ELO (the reason for all this is that I have to jot down a sort of Curriculum in which, among other things, I have to quantify my knowledge of chess). This thread is still open, though, and everyone should feel free to still post their ELO rating (who knows? I could still feed them to excel...). Thanks in advace.

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
I have not played in an OTB event for over 20 years but I can tell you there is no comparison whatsoever. I have ratings on several sites that range from 1100 to 2360 so obviously server ratings are wildly inaccurate. That said my experience has been the top players on most server sites are probably 2100-2300 OTB regardless of what their site rating is. Assuming of course they aren’t using engines.

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