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Topic: need U.S. opponent for cell phone chess while driving.
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OnceuponEngland flag


I'm not travelling all that way just to play chess and shoot fish >:-(

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
As in: "Thanks for the trouble, but my passport expired years ago and ever since I only travel on the net?" OK, be that way if you must. :-/

Swimming pool chess might be more convenient perhaps, you could organise the likes of such right near your good self in Lancashire - trundling distance. But try and find corporate sponsorship for that!

Meanwhile, I will gather a more adventurous kind around me and chart new horizons in tomfoolery, "to foster brotherhood among all nations, world peace and respect for our natural environment" by staging the unheard-of in exotic locales. 8-) All expenses paid, of course...

For 2010: The Rock Climbing Cellphone Chess World Championship. Motto: Pardon? Rook to aAAAAAaaaaa what?

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Possibly we can create a pentatholon of extreme chess atheletics. The events might be
1. chess and the deep sea obstacle course.
2. Chess and Jetski racing.
3. Chess and Alpine skiing.
4. Chess and rock climbing
and sure to draw fan interest
5. Chess and boxing.

OnceuponEngland flag

The Rock Climbing Cellphone Chess World Championship.

Now that sounds interesting.

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
Re 5: Chess-boxing has existed for eight years already! I make no false statement here:


re 4: Though Google does come up with some rock climbers who also like chess as well as comparisons of rock climbing to chess in articles, there is no combination version yet.

I will <ahem> sketch an outline of the rules:

Basic Rock Climbing Cellphone Chess

-A suitable cliff (or structure) will be chosen, which both competitors deem themselves able to scale within an agreed-upon timeframe. A chess set, referee and two seconds will be positioned at the top of said cliff. The chess clock will be set to the aforementioned timeframe plus thirty minutes per player. The competitors at the bottom of the cliff (who must be secured by a rope and have a cellphone with a handsfree setting or design), start climbing at the referee's signal.

-At any time during the climb the competitors may use their cellphone to relay a move to their second above. The seconds operate the clock and move chess pieces until their respective players arrive and take over.

-The first competitor to complete the climb gets the clock stopped whenever it is his/her move, after taking place at the chessboard. When the second competitor arrives and sits down, this advantage is canceled. Win or loss is determined only by the rules of chess.

-Refreshments shall be served afterwards.

Extra time can be gained through climbing skill alone, but moreso through being able to combine climbing and chess effectively during the ascent part of the match.

Now if we would combine the other four suggestions of Doran's into a pentathlon event, the end result would look like Sonic the Hedgehog done by humans. Could be mediagenic, even, with inbetween shots of the seconds doing the moves at the top of that last cliff.
Sounds almost like something a mobile phone business might care to sponsor ...Battle of the Networks: Chain Chess Challenge Cup... Hmmmm

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