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USAUnited States flag
thanks floridaflag for the info, i've been studying the old fasion way reading books and using chessgames.com helpful info as well..

bobbyfourCanada flag
Point well made Carlos, I apologize if my comments gave offense, it was unfair of me. It appears you are a very good player with a very good knowledge of the game, I don't possess either of those qualities :-)
I must admit I have been suspicious of undefeated players, but you have demonstrated very well why that is unfair of me. I look forward to finishing our other game, and hope you are kind of enough to provide me with analysis then too - it is of great benefit to a weaker player like me.

MorpheusSouth Africa flag

I have played a few games with Mike and I can assure you that he is a fine gentleman over the board, speaks well of others and I have never had anyu beef with him. I don;t think he is necesarily referring to your game : )

I said this becouse his private messege to me...
sorry about my previous post just was angry

MorpheusSouth Africa flag
No problem dude, I like to see people iron out their differences, I am sure Mike did not mean it in that way : )

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