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Topic: Computer Cheating
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alib2004Philippines flag
i don't believe there are a lot of chess cheaters here in queenalice. I have not suspected any of doing so, at least in my opinion.

if you suspect people of using an engine then report it to miguel. he's been so kind and accomodating that i'm sure he will look into it. nevertheless, i don't think that Chess.ac is a much better site or less cheaters than queenalice is. :-X

bobbyfourCanada flag
After being humbled by csparrow's response to me I am beginning to believe there are not many cheaters here. Regardless, I don't mind playing the odd computer - a small price to play for the chance to play some good, friendly players!

sakhanPakistan flag
what's wrong with playing against computer,to me it is just another way of improvement,a battle of a logical and accurate thinking,i think most of u will not agree but u most accept if ur being beaten by the beauty wheather it is a machine or human SILICONBOARD ?:-(
the reason for being too much worried is obviously of rating,one must care aboutthe inner nourishment that he gets after a intense study of certain theme.

alib2004Philippines flag
very well said sakhan...
i made quite a few friends in this website and have learned from them as well.
they help me enhance my skills and i was never worried if i was playing a computer or human. sometimes, your suspicions are proved wrong if you send your opponent a note which is one of the features i love in this website.

Now on with my games... :-D

floridaflagUnited States flag
It is a good site just hope it stays this way

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