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lecterrorCroatia flag
Actually no, unfortunately I can't speak a word of Spanish language, I'm used to Croatian :-D :

K = Kralj (king)
D = Dama (queen)
S = Skakac (knight)
L = Lovac (bishop)
T = Top (rook)
P = Pjesak (pawn)

These sometimes mix in my head with english.. :-/

Hmm, look, I do know a word in Spanish: Dama :-D

Now in hebrew:)
פיון = pawn-(pion)
פרש = knight-(parash)
רץ = bishop-(rac)
צריח = rook-(cariah)
מלכה = queen-(malka)
מלך = king-(meleh)

togoychessSpain flag
One very interesting thing about these names is, I think, the actual meaning, in plain language of Bishop:

* Spanish: Bishop=Alfil. Alfil is only used in chess (no other usual meaning in Spanish, but there is a militar graduation, Alferez, which comes from the same old word than Alfil, i.e., Alferza, if I remeber well).

* English: Bishop. A religious dignity (Obispo in Spanish), I think.

* French: Fou. I think is mad in English. A typical expression in French is "Tu es fou", ..you are mad.

What is the meaning of "Bishop" (chess piece) in croatian, italian, hebrew, please?

In other languages?

Thanks. :-)

csparrowBrazil flag
In Portuguese is "bispo" (=bishop).

R=rei (king)
D=dama (queen)
B=bispo (bishop)
C=cavalo (knight)
T=torre (rook)
P=peão (pawn)

The only great difference in relation to Spanish is, exactly, the "bispo".

bishop = רץ (rac) courier/message deliver/runner

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