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togoychessSpain flag
Beco, you are right, we use in Spanish Caballo (horse) not the man, caballero (knight).

Rook in English is also a bird, in Spanish rook (from chess) is Torre.

Peón in Spanish means, more or less, a loww qualified worker, not very much used now. For instance, when the roads wre made mostly by working men (and very few machines) there was a special category of workers, that used to maintain those roads. The name was "Peon caminero", i.e., a Peon that works in small roads ("caminos").

Interesting stuff.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
The Oxford English Dictionary says that the word `rook', as used in chess, is from the Persian `rukh' but that nobody really knows what that word meant! (A rook is also a bird, as togoychess says, but that has nothing to do with chess and the word comes from different roots, perhaps because the sound is similar to the bird's cry.)

`Pawn' comes to English through from the Latin `pedon', via the French `pion', with the equivalent Spanish word being `peón'. The French and Spanish words originally meant a foot-soldier but they now refer to a labourer, as togoychess says.

aesnihcPhilippines flag
In Filipino
K - Hari
Q - Reyna
B - Obispo
K - Kabayo
R - Tore


togoychessSpain flag
Hello: Very interesting what aesnihc says. As another filipino player explained to me, chess was introduced in The Philippines by spanish people and then the names in Filipino are more or less the same as in Spanish, except the King (Rey in Spanish):

Q - Reyna (Reina or Dama in Spanish)
B - Obispo (Alfil in Spanish but Obuspo is also a Spanish name, but not for chess).
K - Kabayo (Caballo)
R - Tore (Torre).

aesnihc: How do you say, please, castle (enroque in Spanish), and check (jaque in Spanish)?

Thanks, Manuel.

togoychessSpain flag
and Pawn (Peon, in Spanish)? And check mate? And draw (tablas in Spanish)? Thanks again. Manuel

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