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Topic: Fair or Unfair ?
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voltesfivePhilippines flag
I know our ratings are protected while we playing against an unrated players.we cannot loose a single points.how about your effort thinking alots of attacking and defencing moved?Do we get any consolation prizes if we beat them (unrated players ) do we get little points ?Regardless how you won,time experation or check mate.Just wondering my fellow chessmates. :-(

jcmPhilippines flag
Well I think the ratings protection needs modification. My rating is way too high and ratings protection contributes to keeping it at that level. Maybe the protection could be changed to a fixed number or a cap of points lost to an unrated player.

miguelUnited States flag
First of all, I'm open to discuss the rating system so feel free to post the things you don't like about it and hopefully we can come up with something better.

how about your effort thinking alots of attacking and defencing moved

Yes, I guess you are right. When both players are unrated the winner gets 1700 points and the loser 1300. I can extend this so that when a rated player beats an unrated player he/she also gets 1700 points for that game. And if you give me a few days I can apply this change to the past games as well, so all the ratings will be adjusted with this new rule. I don't see anything wrong in doing it this way, as ratings can only increase because of this change.

Well I think the ratings protection needs modification. My rating is way too high and ratings protection contributes to keeping it at that level

Since the site is in its infancy the majority of the players right now are still in the provisional phase (less than 25 games played) so you end up playing with your rating protected when you play against them.

But if you think about the future, when (hopefully) you will have hundreds (thousands? ;-) ) of established players to choose from then you will have no trouble having your rating adjusted.

Now I would be ok lifting this restriction for some time, until there are enough established players. Let me know if you think this would help.

voltesfivePhilippines flag
Thank so much for the quick responsed .yup,very helpull :-)

gameloverBelgium flag
it is possibel your rating is to high for the moment but there are also other people who are ranked to low.Whitin an serious amount of games played your ranking will become closer to your real strength .

This is why tournaments are important. You can't choose your opponent in a tournament. You might consider keeping the rating system as it is, while making it easy to see a players tournament results, e.g. the number of tournaments he has played in, the number of tournament games, and the tournament win/loss record. The players in a tournment might have provisional ratings or standerd ratings. You can't choose your opponent, and if you win, and go on to the next round, you then have to face tougher players.

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