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Topic: Fair or Unfair ?
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miguelUnited States flag

But what about a fixed loss of, say, 5 points when losing against an unrated/provisional player

The first problem I see what that approach is that 5 points mean a different thing when you are rated 2200 than when you are 800. It doesn't seem fair to me.

The second problem I see with that is that many players will not want to play against unrated or provisional players because of the risk of losing points against a still undiscovered strong player. That is actually the reason why rating protection is in place.

As somebody suggested above, I think the best for you now is to play the tournaments, where you will be exposed to players of different ratings without having to go try challenging people.

AlopintoColombia flag
The ratings are just a consequence of your strength. I don't think that complicating things with this is necessary even if there are some people with 3000 ratings. For the time being the number of games is relatively low (the site is just starting) and as more games are played the ratings will be much more significant statistically speaking. Here I have a low rating that is not representative of what I have done and do over the board. Does that worry me? Not at all because eventually I will crush everybody here and get the highest rating :-(O) (Kidding, of course...)

SethKUnited States flag
"In any case, your friend rated 1400 is surely in the provisional phase (or whatever they call it over there), he probably didn't play enough games to have a meaningful rating. I'm pretty sure after he draws against that other 2200 player he'll get a good raise."

I was more feeling badly for the 2200 player who will see a big drop from drawing a 1400 player. ;) Your points are well taken and understood.

voltesfivePhilippines flag
chessworld.net has a different system to calculate it's ratings.queenalice is different too ,so....its hard to compare both of them. :-/

kstuartEngland flag
Well i am rated at a few sites so far comparison

i am rated 1860 here with 11 completed games s far
i am rated 2488 at www.net-chess.com with 1085 games finished
and i am rated 1032 at IECG with 36 completed games that count for rating purposes

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