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Topic: How long
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Viper_SBCanada flag
Thanks very imformative

fab_scottEngland flag
OK, you've convinced me.

Thanks. :-)

PennPhilippines flag
Yes I agree, also it depends on a player choices especially here at QA. :-P In my case, I can make a choice to not to claim the win-on-time only if we do have a very good interesting game otherwise an immediate claim on time should be done. :-D It's always feel good to play a very interesting good game whether you win or lose. Agree? :-P

fab_scottEngland flag
I have a game that the opponent has run out of time for a while [I can't remember how long ago] so I checked his games and it seems he has loads, over 20 waiting. So I clicked on the envelope to send him a reminder and it said "player noy found".
As it's just a friendly game it's not imperative but it seems a bit mysterious to me.

fab_scottEngland flag

I have a game that the opponent has run out of time
Here's the game in question.

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