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Topic: Kramnik x Topalov
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ketchuploverUnited States flag
The match will resume at 3-2 Kramnik.

WulebgrUnited States flag
Topalov will win the match, and win back the respect he has lost, only if he wins more games than Kramnik, excluding the forfeit. Such an outcome seems rather unlikely. Kramnik simply does not lose three out of six games to anyone.

SinergiaVenezuela flag
Topalov deserve win this match by his spirit of fight shown .

If Kramnik is sick why he doesn't pospose the match.

catfishcoreUnited States flag
I like to swim up stream. I noticed a lot of the professional chess people have sided with Kramnik. I prefer Topalov. I want to know why was Kramnik spending so much time in the only place he couldn't be watched. Alot of people have aurgued no one can prove he was cheating, but I don't think thats the point. To spend that much time in the restroom crys out for suspicions. I notice his results have fallen off now that he knows people are keeping an eye on him. I don't think the reason things have evened up are due to some psychological event caused by the allegations from potty gate. Now Kramnik wants to sue if he can't win. Talk about a poor sport.

ketchuploverUnited States flag
Kramnik is the champ!!!!!!!!!!!

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