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Topic: Kramnik x Topalov
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WulebgrUnited States flag
I agree that Topalov's play is exciting. Equally so is the play of Sergei Rublevsky (no slouch on the FIDE rating list), who was one of Kramnik's seconds.

However, in the World Champion, we should seek the truth of the position (as Smyslov advocated). I believe Kramnik does a better job of fulfilling that role.

I was rooting for Kramnik before Danailov's obsession with Kramnik's toilet, but I liked Topalov. After the manager's tirade, Topalov's blunders appeared a form of justice.

I've been a reckless attacking player in the manner of Topalov (although with considerably less skill), but have recently seen my OTB ELO rise 100 points due to my efforts to play more like Kramnik. Players I once beat in dramatic 25 move games, I now slowly crush in 60 moves. Now, however, their opportunities to seize the advantage have been reduced sharply.

Exciting games are not always the best quality, and in the long run winning assuredly is more satisfying than winning dramatically. That's why I appreciate Kramnik's style.

MaseguiBrazil flag
Congratulations, Wulebgr, it´s a very good opinion. I agree with you for sure.

AuDoSweden flag
I look forward to the next match them between, whenever that will be....

edvzCanada flag
Careful what you say... Topalov is a Queen Alice member!

capmoBrazil flag
edvz, how can we know for sure this Topalov profile is not a fake? We also have a player called Philidor here in QA, and I'm not certain he would be playing chess this well at the age 281. :-D

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