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Topic: Kramnik x Topalov
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becoBrazil flag

I dont know the address of that pic... I remember Gatto put it on Yahoo, but then people need to be member to see.


But anyway, I found this pics here, very funny:




WulebgrUnited States flag
(In reply to Orso)

It's easy to point out blunders when you're running Fritz, but less so when you're at the board (or in the loo) for many hours. Both players made blunders. Kramnik capitalized better on his opponent's blunders. Topalov played well and fast in the opening due to his impressive preparation, misplayed some attacks, and was clearly outclassed in the endgame.

Topalov cannot expect to become World Champion without strong opening preparation, precision in attack, and exceptional endgame skills. He fell short.

Kramnik was the more balanced player, showing skill in opening, middlegame, and endgame.

robelixBrazil flag
Perfect, Beco, but that one is the best!

OrsoItaly flag
I know that OTB is difficult to find the correct moves, but we're talking about the World Championship and the n1 on FIDE ranking!!!
I agree that Kramnik was the more balanced player, but I prefer to see Topalov games, 'cause sometimes he demostrate a sort of geniality that Kramnik doesn't have. Unfortunately this is balanced by an incredible (for the level) propensiont to make errors (like Rc5, visible also without Fritz at TOP GM level).
For those reasons I said that was Topalov tha lost the match.

whitekingsSingapore flag
The pictures were hiliarous!

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