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Topic: Looking for new all-purpose White opening
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PhilidorUnited States flag
I tend not to care much for opening theory and is why I transpose from Nimzo/Larsen to Reti to English to Queen's gambit games without knowing I'm in those lines, one time I tried for a reversed Grunfeld (1.Nf3, d5 2.g3,c5 3.d4,Nc6 4.Bg2,Nf6 5.Bg5,e6 6.c4,Be7 7.cxd5,exd5 8.Nc3,0-0 9.0-0?!,c4! 10.Ne5,Be6 11.Nxc6,bxc6 (trade pieces when you have less space) 12.Rc1,Qa5 but my opponent said that it was some Main Line Terrasch but in any event I didnt win :( The Lion though is a good attacking system.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Has any one tried Winning with 1...g6 as white. That would be 1.g3 or Winning with 1...d6 as white or 1.d3

ClivetheBeardWales flag
My all-purpose repertoire is 1. d4 and 2. Bf4 against (nearly) everything!

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I like it but if that is all you play it should be easy for black to equalize

ClivetheBeardWales flag
True ... but it's all taste anyway. Often depends if you are happy to defer the battle to the middlegame or not. Anyway, as I think you imply, I don't play it all the time.

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