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Topic: Provisional Ratings
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foreDenmark flag
Does this rule makes sence?

Special rule: if the opponent is rated 400 or more points below or 400 or more points above, then the rating will not be affected no matter the outcome.

NerdlingAustralia flag
Is it only for Provisional Ratings?
Are you trying to say that if there is a difference of more than 400 in 2 players ratings, then neither player will be affected by the outcome?
Is it the start rating or the end rating though?

foreDenmark flag
Neither player are affected!

The rated player is clear.

Rule: Protected Ratings
Players with established ratings will have their ratings protected when playing against unrated or provisional players. A protected rating can remain the same or go up, but never go down, even when the player loses the game. We implemented rating protection because we want to encourage our members to play against newcomers and help them establish their ratings without putting their own at risk.

PershemiaSweden flag
Stupid rule - who want to play so many games to get a real rating and not affect a losers established rating. (Some effect may be the result).

robelixBrazil flag
Since you're all new on the block:

There were many cases of double accounts, where the lower rated alter-ego usually spent months beating the higher rated account until it would get an inflated and faked top rating for god knows the reason why.

The provisional rated player might even be an international GM just beggining the ladder to a let's say 2600 rating, but since he has not played many games, his rating might be 1600. So imagine you are a 2000 player just about to play the supposedly 1600 player and lose 50 points because you're playing a wolf and not a sheep! Isn't it annoying? That's is probably why the admnistrator deemed wise to wait until the provisional player shows what he or she is, before they can score against established players.

This talk about rating is a little silly, but ratings are important to a lot of people, not my case, but I'm just briefing you on the subject of countless bloody and heated forums and threads in the past here!

And we are not even talking about Computers and cheating yet! >:-(

anyone4chessCanada flag

Does this rule makes sence?

Special rule: if the opponent is rated 400 or more points below or 400 or more points above, then the rating will not be affected no matter the outcome.

Standard rating principles, provisional or normal, ELO or any other system, some adjustments can be made for participation or number of rounds etc if desired.

Using the rating formula correctly prevents inflation, for example, it is not reasonable for a 2000 player to expect any points when he or she plays a 1200 player, the difference is to great.

If you go to chess sites that are not using a correct rating formula you see ratings like 3500, 3600 which is far above the top players in the world.

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