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Topic: Question on strategic books
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PufferThailand flag
Thank you all for your ideas. I have these 2 books in hand and plan to get through them one by one (not sure to take them simultaneously without confusing) but no idea which one is more advance. Seirawan's books, I will find their reviews on the internet.

aknightoutCanada flag
My suggestion is to discard the ametuers mind and pick up the reassess your chess book and the reassess your chess workbook, both by Silman.

They are much better, quite inexpensive, and are recommended for the developing player. Conversely, the Ametuers Mind is very basic, aimed for player of about 1200 ELO, and deals more with learning chess mistakes. It is one of my least favorite chess books, while I found the others good, especially the workbook.

I hope this helps.

whitekingsSingapore flag
Reading The Amatuer's Mind helped me improve my chess skills tremendously.

If you've always wanted a book that understood and corrected your mistakes, it's the one to go for!

gerchurchesCuba flag
Does anyone know where we can get free chess books in Internet?

PufferThailand flag
Thank you. I've started reading Pachman's book first already. Hope I can be familiar with descriptive notation soon and finish it within 2 months :-/ 2 Reassess books are my next plan if I think I can skip The Amateur's Mind.

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