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Topic: Cheating with use of chess engines
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whitekingsSingapore flag
Monicker: The rules allow you to consult chess books for that.

Opening databases are allowed.

Please read the previous discussion before posting. It was started by a player who suspected his opponent of using a chess engine, and asked what he should do.

monickerUnited States flag
Perhaps you should pay better attention to my reply, and to whom I was replying.

I was responding to Tewald. So how is my response to him not relevant about endgame tablebases?

Opening books and endgame tablebases are NOT the same thing.

whitekingsSingapore flag
I'd like to know how strong my chess engine is. Would it be OK to create an account for my chess engine to play on this site, as long as I make it clear to potential opponents* that they are facing a chess engine? Some may wish to play chess engines.

*The account profile will state "This account is used by a chess engine". In addition, when I create an open game, I will post a message to potential opponents, indicating that they are about to face a chess engine.

P.S. This is just an experimental idea.

whitekingsSingapore flag
Monicker: I meant that you could consult chess books to learn how to mate with K+B+B v K.

monickerUnited States flag

Learning the principles of how to handle those endings from a chess book is not the same as using the perfect knowledge contained within a endgame tablebase.

Its easy to learn the principle of how to mate with a K+Q vs K, but does that mean someone should access a tablebase which will show them EXACTLY which moves to make in order to achieve mate?

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