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Topic: CampellMarcell is going skyhigh in playing games
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MaxAttaxUnited States flag
All those games have taken a toll. Timeouts and U1300 :-O

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag
Poor Marcel, he seems to have been absent in January and lost something like 400 or 500 games in a row... now his rating is around 600, when it used to be over 1900. Come on, Marcel, I know you can climb back! Good luck! ;-)

PGeonBrunei flag
Its sure a good lesson for playing lots of game in same time :-/

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
That's what vacation time is for.

becoBrazil flag
My Goodness, he has 31 pages of lost games before it appear the first win!

Maybe he got some internet problems this period. :-P

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