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Topic: CampellMarcell is going skyhigh in playing games
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pauloukBrazil flag
He is a stupid Loser! Don Know lose, cant be champion!

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag
That was uncalled for.

MadScotCanada flag

Vacation time only works if you KNOW you'll be offline. I was very surprised to see his rating dip so much, he's definitely a much stronger player than his rating currently suggests.

And why shouldn't someone play as many, or as few, games as they like? Just like some people only play 1d/m and some only 7d/m; everyone likes different things.

TennaUnited States flag
Y'know, we should start a Marcell rating donation drive, where people 'donate' part of their rating to Marcell to help his rating come back.

Or not, I guess. He's a good enough player that he can play his way back to his old rating anyway, or maybe he won't care about ratings.

I think that, even if someone else tried, they couldn't get a rating as low as his right now, though I certainly haven't checked...

GambitsharkIceland flag
I guess he at last have no time for all those games..or is syg or something. I just hope he is okay in his head and will come back to normal play of games..then his rating will also come back. It is not possible to play over 1100 games for a long period..HE WILL BE BACK!

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