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Topic: CampellMarcell is going skyhigh in playing games
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TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

or maybe he won't care about ratings.

Maybe not, the problem is that before the drop he used to be able to play in master tournaments, now he can't anymore and can only play in beginner ones (and open?).

m_2788Brazil flag
I think Marcel dont worry about this.
He just want to have fun...
More down you are, easy to get up. See the rating formula...

Best regards Marcel, we wait you back soon.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

MadScot: Vacation time only works if you KNOW you'll be offline.

Yes, true. :-(

I was very surprised to see his rating dip so much

Well, if you lose that many games, your rating's going to take quite a hit. It is a little surprising that he kept on losing points, though: once the rating difference gets large, you only lose a fraction of a point for losing a game.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

Tenna wrote: Y'know, we should start a Marcell rating donation drive, where people 'donate' part of their rating to Marcell to help his rating come back.

What, you mean by deliberately losing games to him? ;-)

I think that, even if someone else tried, they couldn't get a rating as low as his right now, though I certainly haven't checked...

Well, if you look at the member list and sort by rating, you see that poor CampbellMarcel has a rating of 35; the next lowest is 581, with another seven between 900 and 1000. I did once see a player rated about 300 but that was a dummy account that had lost a few hundred games, all to the same guy, all by resignation without any moves being played. Needless to say, both accounts were cancelled.

MadScotCanada flag
Looks to me like his rating has been reset to "unrated", which is probably fair, since anyone losing to him would suffer a HUGE rating hit that probably isn't deserved. Hopefully he'll be back soon.

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