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Topic: Cheating (engine use)
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tipsUnited States flag
I'll admit that I was cheating in all of my games. I used Fritz 8, and for my first (10 or so) games, I sometimes played the second best move so I wouldn't be caught. But for the other later games, I always used Fritz's best move. I'm a bit surprised that I haven't been caught.

I decided to confess because I decided that distributed computing projects are better ways to use my computing cycles. These include projects like SETI@home, Folding@home, and GIMPS (google the names of those projects and the term "distributed computing" if you want to learn more). Honestly, I'm an average player in real life, and I've been wanting to get caught for quite a long time.

I don't care whether I get banned from this site or not; even if I'm not banned, I'm not going to play on this site again or create another username.

YuntaArgentina flag
so, im 1695 but i should be higer?

BobtzuUnited States flag

What was the point? To prove your computer could beat people? That's old news. Sounds like just a waste.

keshlieUnited States flag
Did Tips commit a second offense by posting an advertisement when he confessed to cheating?

Bobtzu - Maybe advertising is his point. While his chess skill is unknown he is cunnng.

BogusBogartCanada flag
Interesting to note who played well against him.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
BogusBogart who did play well against him? My mentor is a weak USCF master. I bevieve that his positional understanding exceeds his rating. If allowed to move pieces around for hours I think he could defeat fritz. Also it is those subtle moves that seperate IM from GM. By choosing the second best move frequently Tips reduced the playing strength of fritz by a couple of classes.

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