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edvzCanada flag
Most psychologists believe that chess memory is subconcious. The main benefit of chess learning is the more efficient pruning of the search tree, which is something that we do without rationalizing.

In other words, most strong players simply recognize what they lines they need to analyze. Which is why a good deal of chess literature on improving your game is ineffective... the authors can't communicate all of what they know about a position.

I would guess from your strong rating that you may have less of a problem in this regard than you think.

tewaldUnited States flag
Jim, I've found alib2004 to be the most helpful person to me on this site. I hope he can post that PowerPoint file. ;-)

InakiPoland flag
I don't agree that studying the openings is that important for a beginner - ie some basic openings yes (K+P vs K, K+R vs K, K + Q vs K and so on) - without them winning games is virtually impossible, but then the most important thing seems to be tactics. If you look on the beginners games here on the site (me included) you will see that most of them are lost/won because of simple 1 or 2 moves tactical blunders. If you on move 10 you hand your queen to the opponent your whole endgame knowledge is useless. The concept of simplifying to a won endgame is not for beginners - usually if beginners reach the endgame they reach it with strong material imbalance. The important thing is that they have more pieces and not their opponents. Correct endgame play seems more important for intermediate players that are able to survive the middlegame. Perfect endgame play will rarely help you when you are a rook down.... And studying endgames is tedious and requires time and a lot of will - mortifying beginners with it will not help them much - I would suggest rather lots of tactical exercises. And as for the openings just simple ideas that will prevent people from playing 1. e3 2. e4 3. d3 ;-) Of course it's just an opinion of a relative beginner to chess

tewaldUnited States flag
Inaki, your comments on tactics are certainly valid, and I acknowledge that you are rated significantly above me, but I have to say I think the study of endgames is very important. I have done very little of it myself, and I think that is part of the reason I lose so many games. Knowing about endgames helps you know what targets to go for. Many authors suggest studying endgames first; again, I admit my guilt here, since I have not done this.

InakiPoland flag
I don't want to say that it's not important. I just want to say that for beginners doing tactical exercises may be much more profitable. And also one more thing - usually it's more entertaining than studying endgames (and as we all play just for fun it cannot be underestimated)- I think that masters advising studying endgames think mainly of what has helped them reach high levels of chess understanding. IMO for beginners chess survival is more important, and it's tactics ;-).

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