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Count_IsouardKazakhstan flag
I have not had this much fun since the chauffeur ran over the squirrel

try Ginkgo biloba or omega 3. They work with your brain cells.


KenshoNetherlands flag
Never thought some with your rating and win-loss ratio could be soo frustrated and complaining. Guess that there is one thing even more difficult than becoming better at chess: accepting yourself as you are. Happy chess is good chess ;-)

picklesScotland flag
I also suffer from a short memory span,and like you would love to be able to keep long and varied opening sequences in my mind.
I took to playing the ones that suited me and which i liked to play,keep your opening repertoire small to begin with and build it up gradually.
Add small sequences to the place you can remember upto, then choose just a few lines and play them regularly.
it also helped me to play through games others had played and make my own notes.
keep your own library of openings and test yourself from time to time.

junelorenaPhilippines flag
my dad teaches me chess after two hours of taking food. Why, because many people get lazy after taking food. Dont get training yourself while hungry or stomach full. As well dont get into the game while hungry or stomach full. full of stomach can get you sleepy, hungry can get you no patience in the game and cant wait to see other variants.

More than anything else, ENJOY.

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